The fall conference season in Indy is filled with great events. As a marketer, I could easily spend most of October and November listening and learning, but there is only so much time and money. As a result, I had to make some tough choices this year about which events would make the cut. But one choice was easy. I have already reserved my seat at MBO.
Why of all the conferences, did this one make it to the top of the list? That’s easy, just look at the line up. It’s a wonderful mix of Internet marketing professionals who can share the best of what they have seen across a range of industries and corporate marketing folks who can give you a more in-depth look at how one company uses these emerging tools. This is a group of people you won’t get to hear at other events in Indy. Here are just a few I can’t wait to hear.
- Nichole Kelly, President of SME Digital – After reading her contributions to Social Media Explorer for years, I am excited to hear what she has to say about creating a more systematic approach to calculating the bottom line impact of online activities.
- Jenny Messmer, Digital Marketing Manager, The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis – Over the last few years, the Children’s Museum has done some really creative things online. I’m looking forward to a chance to see behind the curtain and understand how they put all the pieces together.
- Haley Drummond, Director of Organic Search, One Click – Google’s Panda and Penguin updates have shaken the very foundation of SEO strategies in the last year. I’m curious to see what suggestions Haley has for marketers as they shift from links to content.
Making a decision to attend MBO was easy; trying to figure out which sessions I will attendwith so many great ones to choose from? Now that’s going to be hard!