There’s a problem with America’s teachers: they like to read and research too much. Our challenge with Learning Unlimited’s new website was to present a deep collection of content and free resources in a quick, skimmable way.

Some pages use a special WordPress plugin to organize different but related sections into folders that visitors browse with tabs. This mimics the familiar tabbed-browsing experience of web browsers like Google Chrome and Firefox. Without this tab tool, the website could have quickly bloated into a 40+ page site that buried valuable content under parent pages and long lists of links. Thanks to Elegant Themes for developing this space-saving plugin.

We also had to plan ahead for Learning Unlimited’s future marketing tactics. They’re planning a series of new whitepapers available for download in exchange for opting-in to their e-newsletter. However, this content won’t be available for some time, so we built an area into the homepage for featured downloads and seasonal content. While it looks a little empty right now, this space gives the website room to grow and change.

Learn more about Learning Unlimited and check out our design at

Learning Unlimited