by Tina Imperial

As a business owner, you’re instrumental in shaping your customer’s expectations through various customer touch points. You do this in some traditional ways like direct mail, print advertisements and email or maybe you incorporate some social components like a blog, Facebook page or Twitter.

You have multiple tools with which to educate customers about your brand, but limited opportunities to satisfy their expectations. Don’t blow it.

Although social media has the added benefit of being real-time and much more spreadable, it isn’t any different than what you’ve done all along; talking to customers. Now more than ever, customers interrupted with relentless requests for attention. It becomes imperative to make every interaction count, especially the ones your customer initiates.

Here are some opportunities to earn your customer’s attention:

We’re Friendly. Well, are you? Check to make sure customer facing people in your organization exhibit a consistent message on the phone, in person or online. After all, friendly is code for “easy to do business with.”  Train employees to anticipate what potential customers need. Make customers feel welcome through your actions.

We’re There for You. Is your customer support system up to snuff? If there is an online support system, can customers be helped by it? Can your customer get to a real person if they need one? Make sure the real person can help; this is especially relevant for small companies where every employee is called upon to be customer support. The “there for you” proposition is a promise to your customers that they won’t be frustrated with your company.

We Want You to Come Back. Most customers assume that you want them to have a relationship with them. They expect some form of engagement on your part through social media; a website alone isn’t going to cut it. You could show them that you want to keep the conversation going by providing them with useful information in your blog, by paying attention to the comments they leave on your Facebook page or by offering special discounts for loyal customers. Give them reasons to come back.

It’s a noisy world out there. Is there anything special you do to earn your customer’s attention?

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