One of our favorite guests in MTFW history is Muhammad Yasin. Director of PR and Social Media at HCCMIS, Muhammad has a great sense of humor and an encyclopedic knowledge of social media.  It’s always a great show when he drops by. Muhammad and his coauthor Ryan Brock of Metonymy Media will join us to discuss their new ebook  Nothing New: An Nothing New: An Irreverent History of Storytelling and Social MediaIrreverent History of Storytelling and Social Media. Nothing New is the long history of people who told the right story at the right time. The book explores the world of social media in the digital age and looks to the past to learn that when it comes to the art of storytelling, there’s nothing new under the sun.

Listen in on Wednesday, September 19 at 10:30 a.m.

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More than a Few Words is a Weekly Marketing Podcast hosted by the Team at Roundpeg.