Hard to believe we’re half way through May. Our summer interns are now on board and quickly acclimating to our culture. Take a minute to catch up on our blogs if you’ve missed them this week.
Saturday – Why Do You Blog for Business?
Your reason for business blogging doesn’t really matter, just blog.
Sunday – Tasty Web Design
Lorraine details the changes made to a restaurant web site.
Monday – Talking to Myself
An alternative writing style or why Lorraine talks to herself.
MTFW: What’s New at the ISBDC?
This week we had a conversation with Jacob Schpok, the state director for the Indiana Small Business Development Center Network (ISBDC).
Tuesday – Put a Search Box on It
Peter explains why our clients are interested in search options on their websites.
First Day at Roundpeg
Our second summer intern started this week, here are his opening words.
Wednesday – The Hand Drawn Approach
Jenna does a logo redesign the old fashioned way.
Thursday – Want to Sell More? Piss People Off
Recently, both TIME magazine and Roundpeg took a calculated risk. Allison explained this in her blog post.
Friday – SEO Tips: Is Your Website Penguin Friendly?
Is your website ready for Google’s new algorithm?