It’s been a bit of a tough week here at the ‘Peg. We said goodbye to Bonnie, our office dog. Luckily, we’ve had plenty of work to keep ourselves busy and preoccupied. Catch up on the past week with us:
Saturday – If You Build it How Will They Know?
Allison shares tips for letting your customers know that your company has a presence on Facebook.
Sunday – Who Can Make Changes to Your Website
One of the benefits of using WordPress is how easy it is to update. But sometimes that means it is all too easy to mess up your website. How do you decide who should be allowed to update your website?
Monday – Company Culture as a Marketing Strategy
One of the best marketing tools you have could be your company culture.
MTFW: Computer Security for Small Business
Alan Wlasuk, founder and a managing partner of WDDinc, a software consulting company focused on custom software development across a wide rangeof industries and technologies, joins us to chat about computer security challenges for small businesses.
Tuesday – Six Ways to Keep Your Blog Fresh
Lorraine shares her strategies for keeping the Roundpeg blog fresh.
First Day on the Job
Jessica, one of our summer interns, survived her first day. Learn a little more about our newest social media intern.
Wednesday – Words Are Key to Your Marketing Strategy
Although visual content is a current trend, don’t forget that prospects use keywords to find your web site.
US Small Business Conference
The U.S. Small Business Conference & EXPO is coming to Indianapolis later this month. Lorraine is one of the featured speakers and there are many valuable opportunities not to be missed.
Thursday – Speaks to Me
When was the last time a voice mail system made you smile? Lorraine shares her experience with
Friday – Between the Lines
A recent upgrade to a client’s website provides a fresh look at an everyday item.