Participating in social media communities is like hanging out at a singles club. The metaphor is not as strange as you think. In both places you strike up a few conversations, maybe exchange phone numbers or other contact information with a few people. Ultimately, your goal is to bring someone home.
In the world of the Internet, home is your website. It should be an interesting place where you can have a more intimate and in-depth conversation then on social media. So, are you ready for company?
Just like your bachelor pad, if you want to impress your date be sure the place is cleaned up, and that you can answer these questions with confidence:
- Does you site look current, or is it dated, designed more than a few years ago?
- Do you have a few clear calls to action on the home page, driving visitors to conversion forms?
- Do you have more than one conversion point on your website?
Do you make your guests feel at home, or do they have to brush the clutter off the couch before they site down?
- Do you try to tell prospects everything they need to know on the first page? Are visitors overwhelmed by the clutter?
- Can they find their way to the bathroom? Translation: Does your navigation make sense? Can visitors find the information they are looking for within one or two clicks? If not, the second click will probably be followed by a trip back to Google for another source of information.
If you want to make a favorable impression, you should probably have a well-stocked refrigerator, maybe some chocolates and wine. In the world of the Internet, that means relevant content
- Do you have new information? Is your blog updated in a timely manner?
- Do you have a sprinkling of interesting images which are correctly named to attract both human visitors and search engines?
- Do you really make your guests feel welcome? Are the opportunities for them to comment and interact with your brand? And when someone does comment, do you take the time to respond and keep the conversation going?
- Finally, do you encourage visitors to tell their friends by making sharing easy with “Like” “Retweet” and “Pin It” buttons?
Sales and dating aren’t really that different. In both situations you need to make a favorable first impression and then prove you have something behind that pretty face if you want to build a real relationship . While the team at Roundpeg can’t offer you any dating advice, this Indianapolis web design company can make your website feel like home.
Need help? Contact Roundpeg, an Indianapolis web design firm.