Ask people who know him to describe Matt Nettleton. They will tell you he is direct, sarcastic, opinionated, smart, funny and abrasive. In short, he is the perfect coach for me.
There is nothing warm and cuddly about Matt. He won’t tolerate whining or self pity. What you get is simple, straight-forward advice and a not so gentle nudge to action when you need it.
After convincing myself for years I didn’t need sales training, I took one of Matt’s classes. I realized (ok, with some not so gentle nudging) that maybe I did. You see, I hate rules, I hate structure and I hate formulas. But Matt showed me how to internalize the Sandler Method so it feels like me.
After two years of working with Matt, I am convinced that every business owner needs a coach. We all have gaps in our skill sets. Find someone who can help you fix yours.
Find someone who can teach you something and hold you accountable to action. Make sure you like and trust the person. I have met a number of coaches over the years who I liked, but I didn’t think they were strong enough to hold me accountable. There are others who probably had a lot to teach me, but I didn’t want to spend time with them.
Matt helps me laugh at my mistakes, admit when I have slacked off, and most importantly, celebrate my success! Thanks Matt, this money shot is for you!