Most small business owners know if they want to be on the first page of a Google search for the most important key words you have to include the words in the text. What they often forget is how important the title is to the social media equation. Your page titles are an important part of your web design.
In a recent blog post, Michael Gray talks about the various ways improve the value of your title to both search engines and people. He says:
The titles also should be enticing or interesting enough to make other people want to click and read them. They shouldn’t be stuffed with keywords or boring branding elements like your company name.
In addition to search engines your title should be designed to share well in the social environment. While you have flexibility in Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ that is not the case with Twitter. The 140 character limitations require you to carefully consider the length of your title. Michael Says:
Anything you can do to make less work for the person who is sharing your content, decrease their ability to screw it up, and increase its chance of spreading is a good thing.
Choosing the right title is challenging. You have to find a balance between something which will catch the attention of a reader, and including important key words. Questions, “How to” and Lists seem to generate more interest. Just remember a great title may bring readers to your blog, but it is your content which will keep them coming back.
Roundpeg, An Indianapolis web design company helps our clients create and distribute content through their website, social media and electronic newsletters.