We’ve talked about nearly every visual aspect of the Roundpeg website’s evolution, from theme and font to color scheme, but it’s time to get to the good stuff: the words. Sure, sure, the look of a site is important, but it’s the words that bring it home.

The tone of the website has changed fairly drastically. When I first arrived, it was a fairly straight-forward site in terms of tone. The aesthetic of the site was fun and playful, but the words didn’t capture the Roundpeg spirit. The other main difference was that most of the content, and all of the testimonials, focused on Lorraine. The company was very different then, more like Lorraine and the Pegettes as her background singers than as the rounded, full company we are today.

Over the last year the blog has changed, as each of us has begun adding our voice, but the core site remained a bit stiff.  On the new site, we’re aiming for a tone that is more true to the Roundpeg we’ve become: playful, all serious when it comes to business–but irreverent when it comes to ourselves. We want the website to give you the same cozy feeling you get when you walk into our doors, grab a Diet Coke from the fridge, and have a cat jump into your lap.

Another major change to the site over the years has been the tagline. Check out the evolution:

  • Solutions that Fit
  • Every Business Needs a Starting Point, and We’re It
  • Marketing Services for Small Businesses
  • Helping Small Businesses Become Big Businesses
It’s a lot of change. For those of you who are fans of trivia, Roundpeg’s name was nearly changed to Starting Point, not just to help new businesses, but also to reinvigorate more established firms. Personally, I’m glad Roundpeg won out.
We very seriously considered changing our tagline with this site redesign, to better reflect the wider array of companies we represent. Jay and I were gungho in leading the charge–we didn’t want to be seen as just small business anymore. And then our boss said a very smart thing: “We have to stand for something. If we just open our doors for everyone, no one will come.”
And Jay and I slowly realized she was right. Roundpeg is still about small businesses. Sure, some of our clients may be a bit bigger these days, but our focus is still on helping small business owners make it big. So stick around and watch as we open a new chapter in helping small businesses become big businesses.

Need help? Contact Roundpeg, an Indianapolis web design company.

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