Lately, LinkedIN has been the topic of conversation around our office. As the platform grows and expands it offers more possibilities for us and our clients. With the addition of company pages, and targeted advertising, the sleeping giant seems to be waking.
LinkedIn and Small Business – Even Unusual Businesses
At the same time, we seem to be working with more and more companies who don’t really fit the “Facebook World”. From Machine shops and software companies, to attorneys and companies offering chemicals for the metal plating industry, LinkedIn offers an ideal platform for these firms to connect with prospects and referrals sources and show off what they do.
So the invitations have been coming in to talk about LinkedIn and small business. Allison will be giving presentations to professional groups and I just finished a Webinar for Erie Insurance agents. You can see the powerpoint below.
With so much emphasis on LinkedIn, it just made sense to make it the topic of a More Than a Few Words Podcast. If you missed the live show, you can listen to it here.