Four years ago, I wrote all the content for the Roundpeg blog. I wasn’t all that busy, so I had time to research and write a daily post. After a while, all the content started to sound the same, so I began to encourage the rest of the team to write posts from time to time. Each of us brings a slightly different perspective to topics relating to small business marketing and the result is a more interesting blog.
But we hang out together and even though we have different perspectives, our topic range is fairly narrow. To keep the blog interesting I often invite others to share their content. You can see some of their posts here. we are always looking for others to share their opinions and ideas as well.
So what do you need to know to write a guest post for Roundpeg?
- Our audience is comprised of small business owners, so content must be relevant for that audieince
- Roundpeg is a marketing blog, so we look for content with a that focus. Their are plenty of HR, accounting,and finance blogs out there. Our objective is to attract readers intersted in learning more about marketing.
- The tone of the blog is professional, but fun. Our posts tend to be informative, but not heavy handed
- Content needs to be long enough to be viewed as valuable by Google ( 400) words, but not too long because business owners have relatively short attention spans. Typically the maximum length is 800 words.
- We love photos. If you have a great graphic, include it with your post
- We are happy to link to your product, service or profile at the end of the post, but we will not include 250 words of advertising
- We will edit for grammar and spelling, but will not change core content
- Our readers like to get to know the author, so you must also include a bio and head shot. The ideal size for your head shot is a 2.5 inch square (180 pixels) in jpeg, gif or png format.
- We like to expand our reader base, so we look for credible authors who have an active social media presence (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and or an established blog). Be sure to include a link to your social profiles with your blog submission. Preference is given to writers willing to do a blog exchange and allow us to trade a spot on our blog with one on theirs.
- It MUST BE original content. We are not interested in re-posting something that appears elsewhere. If you have good content you want to reference with a new spin and a link to the original, we would be open to that.
Interested? Simply send us a note!