Last summer we launched Roundpeg Radio. We researched media players, wrote a series of blog posts, built a lively following and an engaged community of listeners. It added to our reputation as an innovative social media firm, and it was fun.
But, like many marketing campaigns it ran its course. The player was buggy, the suggestions began to dwindle, and let’s face it, music is not our core product. We had fun and learned a lot along the way, but we knew it was time to turn our attention to something a little closer to our core expertise.
So we have moved on. We are ready to take the best of what we learned about using social media to engage and audience and breath new life into our somewhat irregular More than a Few Words podcast.
Beginning Friday, May 27th we will add a live Marketing broadcast to our weekly routing. We plan on using our Facebook fan page and Twitter accounts to solicit discussion topics. The show will be broadcast live every Friday from 12:30 – 1:00 via Blogtalk Radio. A recording of the program will be available on our website, Podbean and as a download from iTunes.
Our topic for this week: Blogging for business. Do you have a question? You can post it here, to our fan page, or send it via twitter to any member of the Roundpeg team.
If you post your question on twitter, be sure to use #MTFW