When you go to check out in the grocery store, do you ever grab a candy bar from those tempting shelves near the registers? What if your website could do the same thing?
Small business owners often focus on using social media, search and email marketing to driving traffic to the site, without thinking about what to do with them once they arrive. We believe adding a little Web Candy or free downloads will boost your marketing efforts, by putting your website at the center of your marketing, you engage prospects with specific offers, and then use relevant email offers to keep them coming back for more in a continuous sales loop.
Want to learn more? Join us for a session of Web Candy. In this new workshop from Roundpeg, we will share specific strategies you can use your website, social media and email to create an effective sales loop.
Tuesday, April 26
3:30 – 5:00
At the Offices of TrustPointe 6666 E. 75th Street, Indianapolis
There is no charge to attend, but reservations are required. Seating is limited to 35 people. Register early to insure you have a spot.