As small business owners work to grow overall web site visitors, it is important they answer questions about: Where does your traffic come from, and Why? Studying your referring sites and key words will help you find the answers to these important questions.
- Referring Sites: Expanding your referring sites, increases the outlets where people might bump into you. You can build these critical, credible external links by promoting others. Write blog posts about others, link to their site, post quality comments on other sites, engage in conversations, and bloggers will return the favor. The community supports others. It may take awhile to get noticed, but it will come in time.
- Key Words: What words typically drive people to your site? Are you scoring well for relevant terms? Look at blog posts structure. Be sure to use key words in the first few paragraphs, excerpts, summaries categories and tags. Use tools like Google Ad words, event if you aren’t going to run a campaign to help you understand show competitive you terms are, and to find relevant alternatives.
Tomorrow we will take a closer look at the third important groups of measures: Web Site Performance.
Paying attention to metrics, will make all the hard work that went into your web design pay off.