We have been lucky the last few years. As our business has grown we have the opportunity to be a little selective as we decide with whom to work. Our clients become part of the family, dropping in for coffee, or a quick chat to keep us in the loop on changes in their business.
As a design firm the ongoing interaction allows us to stay on top of projects, and ahead of potential problems, so we haven’t had to deal with too many “nightmare clients”. However, I thought there were some great tips in this article from Web Design Depot on how to deal with them if you do.
- Offer alternatives, new solutions, and even a discount
- Have your own public outlet prepared
- Respond to blog posts, “rip-off” reports, and forum bashing carefully
- Fire your problem clients
- Don’t AstroTurf: make it clear who you are and why you’re defending yourself
How do you handle problem clients?