fan pageThe majority of the small business owners we surveyed indicated they had a Facebook profile. In addition to the popularity of this media, research has shown there is a real dollars and cents connection between the number of fans  and your bottom line.

Each new fan is equal to $139.  While that may not seem like a lot of money, when you start adding hundreds of new fans, the sales start to add up.


New tools allow you to carry your brand image from your website and business cards through to your Facebook Fan Page. Customized landing pages like the one we created for Roundpeg or Hazel Walker’s new venture: Lipstick on the Rim allow us to extend the brand image into a new medium.

In addition to the brand recognition your fan page creates, once you have 25 fans you can claim your “vanity url”.  For example, our URL is, my personal page is, and Hazel’s Lipstick on the Rim is  Why bother with a custom URL? It is easier for clients to find you!

Need help getting started with our Facebook strategy?  Give us a call!