Does gender or age play a role in how a business owners uses social media? According to our survey of small business owners, gender doesn’t seem to matter much. While women seem to be more “social” using the tools to connect more often with friends, when it comes to business the usage patterns are almost identical.
Not surprising, age seems to impact how likely a business owner is to use social media in certain ways.
- Business owners under 25 ( a relatively small group in this study) are clearly the most social
- The 25 – 35 are the most active overall. Judging by their responses, social media appears to be an integral part of how they run their business. This was the only group which seems to rely heavily on social media for their clients.
- All age groups turn to social media for news and information, but the 26 – 35 year olds also see benefit in using it as a research tool
If you haven’t taken the survey, we would love to add your information to the study. Click here to take the study ( it will only take a few minutes).
We will be adding additional findings over the next few weeks so be sure to stop back, or you can sign up below to receive updates via email.