We’ve reached the end of our series on Inc. Magazine’s 25 Ways to Jump Start Your Business. And one of the best ways to jump start your business is to jump start yourself.

Most people don’t do their best work when they’re stressed to high levels. Things have been crazy here at the Roundpeg office (in a good way!), but sometimes the madness can get to you, sap your energy, and require you to take a step back.

We’re lucky at Roundpeg to be just a block from the Monon Trail, so if things get to be too much, we can take a relaxing walk. Sometimes, a group lunch with all of our employees is a great way to laugh and release some tension. Sometimes, maybe you just need to take a day off and find your center again.

Your business is important. But so are you. You’ll find that you’ll be more efficient and happier if sometimes you just take a step back and relax for a few moments before diving back into the fray.