My brother and I walked the Indianapolis Mini Marathon today. Our final time 3:H, 30 M 37 Sec will not set any world records, but just slightly slower than I had hoped for, so I am content with the time.
As we walked through Indy, with 40,000 of our closest friends, there was time to learn a few things worth sharing here. ( Most of this wisdom was found on the backs of other runners and walkers.)
- Finishing in last place is better than not finishing, which is significantly better than not starting – This applies to so many parts of our life. All too often, I run across business owners who are holding back, waiting for some imaginary starting gun instead of jumping into the race.
- The miracle is not that I have finished, but that I had the courage to start! – This was on the back of a runner with one leg bandaged. Clearly he was overcoming challenges to be there, but he was there. Can you put your challenges aside?
- 13.1 Miles? I thought it was 1.3! – The lesson here is that sometimes it is best not to know how really long something will take. Had I known how long it would take to get my business off the ground, I am not sure I would have started.
- Other people can do it with bigger burdens then you – This was not on a T-shirt, but the thought popped into my head as I looked over and saw representatives of the Wayne Township Fire Department walking in FULL GEAR. ( And as a side note, I can rest easier knowing they can do that, just in case I ever need them!) I was especially impressed when Fireman Kyle stopped to pose for a photo at mile 12, and then jogged off toward the finish line. Watching him, I wasn’t as tired anymore.
If you have never walked the mini, now is a great time to start training for next. And if you were out there with me today – congratulations, whatever your finish time. Now go have a hot shower, a nap, an Advil, and maybe a cold beer!