Spring is in the air, and with it, everyone’s thoughts turn to enjoying the warm weather months outdoors. So it’s really no surprise that we’ve been helping several campgrounds around the country get their sites in shape for the summer season.
We redesigned the sites for Beaver Hollow Campground in New Hampshire, and Whispering Pines Campground in Rhode Island. For both of campsites, we focused on streamlining the design so information was easy for prospective campers to find. We created a wider format, which moved more of the content above the fold, with links to the Twitter, Facebook, and contact forms right on the top of the page.
We used WP-Table Reloaded to create a searchable activity calendar, giving each campground an easy-to-update, easy-to-read, and easy-to-search database for the many events going on around camp. In the future, updating these schedules will be as easy as uploading an Excel spreadsheet. ( We have also used this same tool for doctor’s on call schedules, project lists, and member data bases)
It was a nice change of pace to work on these sites–emphasizing the great outdoors, looking at the photos of campers enjoying the facilities, and working with fun logos like Beaver Hollow’s friendly mascot. So if you’re ever in New England, make sure you stop off at one of these sites to get back to nature.
See the before and after images of Beaver Hollow Below:
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