Social Media! Are you ready to embrace this new trend? Earlier this year, Jackie Huba predicted:
My prediction for 2010: social gets integrated into business functions. That means: social media policies, aligning social media strategies and tactics with overall business objectives and revenue goals, and realigning functional teams.
If she is right, if Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social platforms are going to be a significant part of your small business marketing organization chart, several things need to happen:
- Someone has to own the social media strategy. Everyone in the organization can participate. Let’s face it, they will even if you tell them not to, but there needs to be a strategy and guidelines.
- There need to be specific goals for social media. Just like any other marketing tool, without goals, how can you measure return?
Updated October 2017
It is funny to go back and read this post through the lens of what we know now. Look how far we have come and how reliant we are on social media today! It is hard to remember a time it wasn’t a part of our everyday marketing, but just seven years ago, it wasn’t.
Unfortunately, we still see companies attacking this part of their marketing in a haphazard manner. You still need to have a strategy to pull the pieces together and drive the right kind of results. So if you are ready to launch your digital media program, or you are looking to update your plan, grab a copy of our starter kit.
Roundpeg is a social media marketing firm based in Indianapolis, Indiana.