About two years ago I found an article by Mary Smith with some ideas on how to use Facebook to reach Baby Boomers.  At the time, I wasn’t sure I agreed with her, that Facebook had the potential to be more than a social networking website, geared primarily for college – early twenty market.  She argued, it could also be used as part of  a small business marketing toolkit.  

Today, I know she was right.  Her advice is as relevant, if not more so today than it was two years ago.   She recommended:

  • In addition to creating your profile you should create a page for your business. ( These are now called Fan Pages)
  • Start a group,
  • Use the events feature and polls to gather information and gently market to your “friends”.

To her  list I would add:

  • Create special offers and coupons just for your fans
  • Take photos at events, post and tag them with names of guests, so they show up on other pages on Facebook
  • Connect your Twiiter and blog updates to your fan page.

Read the rest of the article …