Written by Ellie Flores
At the end of my internship I know that I have acquired so many new skills, knowledge, and experiences. Looking back on the summer by far my favorite task of the summer was the graphic work I did on logos and case studies. For a local multimedia company, I was able to work on creating a new logo.
Being trusted to have creative freedom I soon realized is such a great privilege and although the client didn’t go with what I created, I was still satisfied of the work I did. Continuing my reign of graphic work I was appointed to edit a case study for a client and then to start one from scratch. The case study I was to do on my own is for an emergency consulting company that helped Marion County develop a plan for the H1N1 vaccination centers. I again took what little information I had and did research in order to develop the content for the study. Then I used Adobe Illustrator to format the study to previous templates to create the case study fit to print. This case study was work I found myself being most proud of when I left Roundpeg.
I walked away from Roundpeg August 19th with more experience than I knew what to do with. While my friends partied every night and nothingness occupied their days, I was developing an invaluable tool: work ethic. I am forever grateful to Roundpeg for taking a chance on me and giving me the invaluable experience I obtained this summer.