Over the last few weeks I have written several posts about surrounding yourself with great people. People who make you think, and make you smile, people who challenge you, and people who pick up the pieces when others challenge you! These people will come into your life through all sorts of paths, and sometimes you just have to celebrate the fact they are there.
Today, I got a glimpse of just how many wonderful people Twitter has brought into my life. You see, today is my birthday, and my friend @nancymyrland thought it would be the perfect excuse for a TweetUp. It wasn’t a major landmark birthday, so no special reason for the celebration, except it sounded like fun.. and it was! While many of the guest are long time friends and family, others are folks I had never met face to face.
But there we all were, ready to party, celebrating, life, business, friendship and birthdays with me and my good friend @edeckers ( who had a birthday this week too!)
And if you were there, and made a new friend, but didn’t get their Twitter ID, here is the list started by @kristenhorton. I hope we have close to everyone who was there.
Thanks to Ryan Cox – Here is a typed list you can use to fill in your following
Ryan Cox@coxymoney
Lorraine Ball@roundpeg
Andy Ball@aballstudio
Michelle Ball@miniball
Amy Stark@amystark
Staraya McKinstry@smckinstry
Chef JJ@cheffjj
Shawn Quick-Raflik@shawnieqr
Kristen Horton@kristenhorton
Lindsay Manfredi@lindsaymanfredi
Barb Jones
Douglas Karr@douglaskarr
Nancy Myrland@nancymyrland
Duke Long@dukelong
Mack Earnhardt@macksmind
Suzanne Zaleski@gingermiller531
Sage McGreen
Charles Miller@charlesfmiller
Scott S. Semester@sssemester
Kevin Dostalek@thekicker
Greg Cooper@gregcooper
Erik Deckers@edeckers
Rock Planck@rockplanck
Colin Clark@colinaclark
Christy Glesing@cglesing
Linda Fitzgerald@lindaawi
Patric Welch@mrnoobie
Ginna Fenton@indyjoblady
Dick Davis@davisr66
Tracy Millligan
Rhett Cochran@rhettcochran
Mike Magan@mikemagan
Wendy Collins@wendycollins
Hazel Walker@hazewalker
Victoria Finch@vixwrld
Karen Scharf@karenscharf
Mathew Wilson@theindywilsons
Bethann Buddendaum@bethannbud
Robby Slaughter@robbyslaughter
Thomas Ho@drthomasho
Laura Ho@lauraho