In December, I introduced a graphic of a marketing organization chart I found on a blog post by John Jansch of DuctTape Marketing.
This post has been extremely popular, and I thought it would be valuable to take a closer look at some of the elements of the diagram.
So in a series of posts, I am going to explore in a little more detail each of the four elements: strategy, lead generation, lead conversion and customer service.
There are three main elements of strategy:
- Ideal Customer
- Core Message
- Marketing Material
Ideal customer. This is the element most small business owners wrestle with most. They are always afraid if they define the target too narrowly, they will be leaving people out.
The trick is to focus on your ideal customer. This is not your only customer. But the more tightly you define your ideal, the easier it is to build the other elements of the strategy. If you are too broad, your marketing messages are too vague.
Core Message. Once you identify your ideal customer, it is easier to decide what to say. What does your core customer want most? What will they value, what problem can you help them solve? The more closely you can articulate their pain, the more likely it is they will listen to what you have to say.
Marketing Material. This is more than a brochure or website. At the strategy phase it involves thinking about the most effective way to get the attention of your idea client. Is it print or electronic communication? Will you need to reach your client face to face.
Spend some time thinking about just these elements. Making tough choices on the front end of a marketing campaign can help small business owners create more effective lead generation programs.
Update Aug 15, 2012 Over time we have evolved the image. Here is our latest version:
For more information about how you can use a marketing org chart to help your small business, download our free mini-ebook. You’ll receive in-depth information on using this chart in your own small business to create a cohesive marketing strategy that brings in leads you can convert into real customers.
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