Often I when I talk to small business owners about adding a blog to their website, I get more then just a little resistance. They don’t understand how this relatively informal means of communication can have business value. Valori Maltoni has written a great post talking about why this strategy makes sense for small business owners. She says:
Blogs allow you to:
- provide topical and relevant information and resources regularly, become an appointment
- receive feedback from your readers and engage them in discussion that are relevant to them
- distribute your content more widely thanks to Google and the larger business community online
They allow your readers and customers to:
- receive regular updates from you when and if they want them
- share the resources and tips you provide with their network
- find you through search thanks to keywords and tags that describe their problem
Even with all these compelling reasons I still get push back, so I have changed my tactic. Small business owners don’t need a blog, just a resource page! A place they can post the latest news about the company, new products, industry trends, and the occasional comment from a customer.
And the most efficient way to bundle this information? Well that would be a blog. But I have found if i sell the benefits and never use the “b” word it is a much easier sale!
Learn the best ways to create a blog by contacting Roundpeg today!