There has been lots of conversation about Twitter lately. This video, which I found on Smaller Indiana, (Thanks Pat) is the best explanation I have seen as to what Twitter is and how it works.
While interesting, it doesn’t really address why small business owners should consider using it.
Twitter is fun, but is also good for business. It is a wonderful way to see what other people are thinking about issues and products.
If you are writing blog posts to build traffic for your website ( and you should be), it is a great way to build exposure and a following for your blog. Especially by incorporating TwitterFeed, so your followers automatically see when you have a new blog post to read.
If you are hoping to make connections, or conduct research, Twitter can do that as well.
But a word of caution, it can become addicting, listening in on the steady stream of conversation, so find your balance point, commit time to Twitter, just as you would any other networking activity, and watch the results.
And if you do add Twitter to your routine, you can follow me at:
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