I found this terrific list of rules for good logo design.  While we hope all small business owners come to us for their logo work, we can’t handle everyone.  So if you decide to create your own logo, or work with another design firm consider the following advice:

  1. Do not use more than three colors.
  2. Get rid of everything that is not absolutely necessary.
  3. Type must be easy enough for your grandma to read.
  4. The logo must be recognizable.
  5. Create a unique shape or layout for the logo.
  6. Completely ignore what your parents and/or spouse think about the design.
  7. Confirm that the logo looks appealing to more than just three (3) individuals.

The list actually contains 45 rules, but in summary: You logo should be unique, so that over time time, as people see it, they think about you!