The internet is changing, rapidly. It is not enough to have a pretty website, with lots of flash. If you want visitors to come back again and again, you have to have content – fresh, interesting, informative, content!
And one of the easiest ways to create content is to add a blog to your site. But if you blog, you must blog frequently, preferably daily, but at least several times a week.
And sometimes you just run out of steam! I found this list of 5 Tips on How to Create Content Quickly
- Share you favorite links
- Create a top ten list
- Interview someone
- Ask your readers a question
- Answer a reader question
I think the suggestions are really good. Especially for a small business owner, who is writing a blog as a sideline while he/she tries to focus on core business. As long as your posts, even top ten lists releate to your core business, you are creating value for your readers, and your business.
Special thanks for this link to Patric Welch (alias MrNoobie), I found this post because he “dug” and I like to follow his content on FriendFeed!