PPC is an Affordable Advertising Option for Small Businesses
Written by Amy Rowe
Working on a tight budget? Caroline Melberg’s blog has a tool might be an effective and inexpensive marketing solution. PPC or Pay Per Click is very affordable way for small businesses to advertise. You can set the amount you can afford to spend each day, be that fifty cents or fifty dollars and your ad will stop showing once you have hit that amount. It can be a great method of gaining targeted traffic to your business website . . . if you use it correctly. The way you craft your PPC ads will directly affect how targeted your traffic is. You want to use your keywords in the title of the ad, but clarify in the next two lines. This helps ensure that people aren’t mislead. When someone is looking for discount children’s books and you don’t specify that you offer used textbooks on your website, you’ll end up paying for clicks that are completely useless. Read More
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