connect with your community

In your quest for new business and new leads, you can’t forget about the ones that got you here. You have an entire contact pool made up of current and former customers that you shouldn’t let go by the wayside.

Invest your time and focus on ways to keep this group engaged and connected as a means to drive repeat business, craft a favorable image of yourself, and build a community of your very own through email marketing and social media.

get in touch

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community growth

Facebook fans and email subscriptions exploded when we began offering niche content that was only available to members of our client’s community

tell your story

social media audit

You might not be as lost on social media as you think. Through an initial audit of your existing social media accounts, we’ll get an idea of what you have been doing, take notes on what works, what doesn’t, offer recommendations on changes that could be made to improve your page, and begin building the outline of your unique social media strategy.

We’ll also take a look at your competitors. Nobody likes a copycat, but we will be able to see what you’ll be up against. You may just a few subtle tweaks away from a great page.

social media management

Does all this social stuff sound a little daunting? Let us take that task off your plate. From posting updates a few times a day to taking over the account and becoming your digital voice, you choose how involved you’d like us to be.

Based on what best resonates with your community, we can create a wide variety of content that is meant to drive traffic to your website, interact or start a conversation with your followers, nurture the growth of your online community, or even just something that makes them smile that they will Like and Share.

social media advertising

Sometimes you may want to do a little more than just regular posting. If you are running a sale, promoting a new product, or just want to get more fans, investing in social media advertising is another strong element of a sound social strategy.

Even with a modest $50 to $100 monthly budget, advertising can help your content reach new eyes that may otherwise never have heard of you. The secret is creating ads that target users based on qualities that would make them interested in what you have to say. We can show you how or just run them for you.


Everybody has a podcast these days, so you should too. If you want the world to know you and your company are the real deal and a pillar of knowledge in your industry, let them hear it from the horse’s mouth.

We can help you get your podcast off the ground! With first-hand experience operating our own marketing podcast, we can offer tips on smart practices, the best equipment, where and how to distribute it, and even how best to find and reach out to potential guests.

email marketing

Whether you want to move prospects through your sales funnel or stay in touch with current and former clients to drive repeat purchases and referrals, nothing works as well as email.

Using Constant Contact we’ll set up your email program and teach you how to use or manage it for you.

take control

Our outlines, worksheets and checklists will help you start your planning process. If you get stuck, we are here to help.

social media starter kit

Discover the right social networks and the right type of content to reach your target customers.

2020 digital marketing survey

Social media advertising, essentially non-existent a decade ago, is now an integral part of the digital marketing landscape. We’ve seen platforms rise and fall as business owners continue to experiment.

social media quiz

Social media is important, but it should not consume your day. To be successful invest time in the platform or platforms that best support your goals. Which social media platform is right for you? 

got a project?

Whether you need a new website or some help with your social media, we are ready to start the conversation.