2020 In The Rear View Mirror
Happy Holidays
I have never been big on writing a personal holiday letter, but the annual greeting from Roundpeg is different. Every year I look forward celebrating the end of the year by browsing through photos of road tips, art projects, birthday celebrations and the antics of the cats at the ‘Peg.
Then along came 2020
For most of the year, we’ve been working remotely or with a skeleton crew in the office. While we miss the chance to see each other face to face, we have found ways to bring a personal touch to our frequent Google Hangouts.
In addition to our regular Jeopardy challenge, with Sam serving as our own Alex Trebek, we’ve added Scattegories and Scribble, an online version of Pictionary. Of course Britt and TaLeah seem to be the best artists and Coby has an amazing talent for guessing the words first.
Outdoor Art
In late 2019 we took down three dying trees. Instead of looking barren and desolate, the tree stumps have become part of the Roundpeg outdoor art exhibit, created by Andy Ball of ABall Studio.
The Roundpeg Farm
With a large sunny area on the side of the building, Simon planted sunflowers, these giant ( some reached 10 feet in height) plants brought smiles to my face every time I drove up to the building, and a delicious treat at the end of the season.
There was also a summer surprise when we found a tomato plant growing in our front year. We have no idea how it got there, but we enjoyed a few tasty little tomatoes.
The Work
And through it all, we had a chance to do some outstanding work. It is hard to pick just a few favorites, since we worked so many amazing clients this year. But, if I had to choose, only two it would be Knot Today and Tactive.
Knot Today is a non-profit dedicated to ending sexual abuse and explotation of children. We loved the challenge of bringing this brand to life, first with the logo and then the website and printed collateral.
Tactive, is a new name for an established company. Print Resources has been around for twenty years, but as the industry shifted, their business did too. Offering a wider range of products, they had been through a rebranding exercise and came to us for a new website to support their new direction.
Hello 2021
It has been a crazy year, with ups and downs. But through it all, Team ‘Peg has been here for our clients and each other. And we are looking forward to what the new year will bring!
Happy Holidays,
Team ‘Peg
got a project?
Whether you need a new website or some help with your social media we are ready to start the conversation.