Is Social Media Marketing Dying?

by | Mar 12, 2020 | Blog, Content | Social Media | Email

Is Social Media Marketing Dying? That’s the question our guest Wendy Dessler of OutreachMamma answers in her post today. 

Finding the right way to reach modern consumers is something most business owners struggle with. Most business owners pride themselves on staying on the cutting edge of digital marketing. This desire to keep up with trends can lead to some mistakes being made. For instance, there is a popular belief on the internet that social media marketing is slowly dying off.

In reality, this form of advertising is still very much alive and kicking. Nearly 50% of the world’s population uses social media regularly. This number just keeps growing, which is why social media marketing is still effective. Here are some of the reasons why investing in social media marketing is a great idea.

Use Social Media As a Customer Service Tool

Some business owners think that the only thing they need for success on social media is great content. While good social media content is a must, there are a number of other things you can do to make your brand more visible on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If you are looking for a unique way to serve your customers, allowing them to send questions or concerns via social media messaging apps is crucial.

Modern consumers love being able to reach out to their favorite brands whenever they want. Luckily, there are a number of chatbot programs that are compatible with social media platforms like Facebook. A chatbot allows you to answer frequently asked questions and give consumers more information about your product/service. This is an automated service which allows you to deliver unique responses without the need for human intervention.  Chatbots use the power of artificial intelligence to handle the requests they receive from social media users. Reacting quickly to the messages you receive on social media is a great way to improve customer engagement and loyalty.

One tool you should consider is Mobile Monkey, a smart, flexible, easy-to-Install chatbot tool for your website.  

Building Your Brand With the Help of Social Media

Taking your small business from zero to hero will require a lot of hard work and some marketing-savvy. Working on ways to increase brand awareness should be something you are passionate about. If social media users don’t know about your brand and the reputation it has, it will be hard to create viable sales leads. The best way to start building a brand for your business on social media is by publishing great content on a regular basis.

Instead of simply relying on written content for your social media posts, you should also use things like infographics and videos. Providing your followers with a host of different content will keep them interested in what you are doing. Be sure to encourage your social media followers to share the content you provide them. If one of your posts goes viral, it can create a lot of leads for your business. Allowing a marketing professional to weigh in on how to build a brand on social media can help you avoid mistakes along the way. These professionals can help you devise a social media marketing strategy and carry it out for a reasonable fee.

Provide Social Proof to Your Audience

The average consumer does a lot of research before using a company. This research generally includes looking at the reviews the business has received online. Having a Facebook page full of great reviews from customers can help you attract new business. Making it easy for professionals to find social proof of how reputable your business is can help you win them over. While you may be apprehensive at first, you will learn how to approach satisfied customers for these reviews.

It’s Time to Take Social Media By Storm

Now that you know why social media marketing is still effective, it is time to get to work. Hiring professionals to help you in your pursuit of social media dominance is the best way to achieve your goals. 

social media changes fast 

Join us for the next session of our social media webinar.

Is social media marketing dying?

Finding the right way to reach modern consumers is something most business owners struggle with. There’s a popular belief on the internet that social media marketing is slowly dying off. In reality, this form of advertising is still very much alive and kicking. Nearly 50% of the world’s population uses social media regularly.

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