Making Writing Fun Again
The pressure to write something every day forced me to look for inspiration everywhere. Each adventure was a starting point for a blog post, like this one about the business lessons I learned walking the Mini Marathon in 2010.
Office interactions, both good and bad, played out on the pages of our blog. Dear Job Candidate is a simple guide on how to get hired, or not, by me or, for that matter, any rational manager. It was written after a period of really awful interviews on our way to finding the right person to join the Roundpeg team.
Rants were some of my favorite types of blog posts. They gave me a chance to vent my frustrations and bring a little bit of snark to the blog. One of my favorite rants was The Unhelp Desk – An amusing tale of my interactions with the less than helpful customer service team at HP.
News stories and podcasts were filled with lessons I could share in the pages of the blog, like this story of the failure of Toys R Us.
Writing every day honed my skills. Writing 500 words was easy and the posts were varied, interesting, and easy to read. But things change, and Roundpeg isn’t just me anymore. Everyone on the team regularly contributes to Business Notes from Roundpeg. And with the expansion of More than a Few Words, our weekly podcast, we simply don’t publish blogs as often.
So instead of writing 20 or more posts a month, I write one or two. The blank page is a little more intimidating and I feel a little constrained by the need to write long form articles in very narrow topics to keep boosting our SEO. Writing just isn’t as much fun as it once was, so I have decided I need to make a change.
I am going to write more often, at least twice a week for the next 60 days. I am not going to worry about sticking to narrowly relevant topics. I am going to write about what interests and inspires me. I do, of course, love marketing so there will be business articles, but other stuff as well.
I am also not going to worry about word count. If I am on a roll you will get a long post, if not, a short blurb will suffice because these posts are not specifically written to boost SEO. There is plenty of other content on our website for that.
This experiment will give me a chance to flex my writing muscle, rediscover the fun in a well-turned phrase, and maybe start a conversation or two.
Interested in joining me in this writing adventure? Share a link to your blog in the comments below.
Looking for some blogging tips? Sam and I talked all things blogging in this episode of More than a Few Words. Listen Now