Tips for Designer and Developer Communication

3 Tips for Graphic Designers
Provide Design Elements in Usable File Formats.
Designing with the right criteria for the web is a must! Something that can be a roadblock between designers and developers is missing the right project elements or elements that aren’t in the proper format. It will save everyone time and headaches if everything is provided at the beginning of the build.
Ask if a Specific Font or Layout Will Work On a Website.
A web designer will most likely know if a specific font and layout will work. Specially requested fonts can sometimes cause an issue. CSS is always handy but not always reliable when it comes to fonts previewing across browsers and devices. A unique font or layout may make or break your design, ultimately, creating more work for the team. Instead of backtracking later on, get all the info needed in the early design process.
Consider Your Interactive Elements, Ask if They Will Work.
In the design world, we tend to see some crazy animations and intricate websites. Sometimes they fit the website aesthetic and other times they are too much. If any interactive elements are required to spice up the site, make sure the web designer gives you the green light.
3 Tips for Web Developers
Get Involved in the Brainstorming Process.
User experience will always be a top priority. When a web developer is involved in the very beginning, there will be a seamless transition from mockup to the final product. Multiple brains are always better than one. The team can be sure that your client will love your mockup if all bases are covered from design elements to physical application.
Always Be Available to Answer Questions.
When a project begins there could be confusion about what is expected from a designer regarding interactive elements and animations. It is important that a developer is available to answer any questions therefore, helping the designer feel more prepared. The team can avoid miscommunication will that will lead down a stressful and difficult path.
Give Feedback About What You Can and Can’t Do for a Website.
Throughout the entire mockup process and even during the build, always keep the lines of communication open. It’s important to know, for example, if there is a certain layout that won’t work but can be tweaked a bit. Let the designer know the changes so they can avoid that path in the next go-round.
Communication is key. At the end of the day, there is one agreeable goal: Creating an incredible website. If designers and developers ask the right questions they can better understand their duties during a project. A design team is like chocolate and peanut butter, you can’t go wrong!