ReBrand Kit
Rebrand Infographic
Brand Building Worksheet
Brand Enhancement Package
Brand Kit Contents
This kit is part of our Monday Morning Resources collection.
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What’s in this kit:
Rebrand Infographic – Trying to decide if it is time for a redesign? Use our infographic to step through a few simple questions to help you decide.
Brand Building Worksheet – While many people may buy from you, your product is more appealing to some rather than others. If you can define the individuals and companies most likely to buy it is easier to define your brand.
Brand Enhancement Package – A consistent visual identity is a key to successful branding. To build brand recognition you have to look like you, regardless of where you are being represented.
Brand Kit Contents – Your brand is an asset as well, and unlike computers, furniture, or company cars, the value of this asset will increase over time as your company grows.
More Resources For You
Your Brand is More Than a Logo – Your brand is what you want people to think about your company, and feel about your company. The logo, color, and font choices should all support the impression you want to create.
Blog Posts:
Dystopian Future of Logo Design –If you’ve ever tried on something that was one-size-fits-all, chances are, it didn’t fit you. At least not the way you’d hope. But is seems as if logo design is heading in that direction. Read More
What your designer owes you – Artist. Digital Communicator. Designer. Graphic Artist. Pixel Pusher. Vector Machine. When someone’s title isn’t clear, it’s even harder to know what’s expected of them. A lot of what surrounds graphic designers, how they make things, and the industry itself is nebulous to those who’ve never used the Adobe design suite. As companies become more aware of the importance of branding, this presents a challenge. Read More
Video: Every Brand Needs a Refresh
See you next week!
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