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I write a blog for Roundpeg every week. On top of that, I regularly blog for a number of our content clients. So, I feel I have some authority to say the following that many of you may sympathize with:

Blogging can be HARD!

Even for us “creative types,” being creative on-demand can be a challenge. But, there are days when the creative juices just aren’t flowing and, despite your best efforts, you just come up blank. During times like these, putting words on a page seems impossible. I certainly have those moments. Not all my blog posts are winners.

Blogging inspiration rarely just strikes you like a bolt of lightning. It’s times like these it’s useful to know how to draw upon blogging inspiration when there seems to be none in sight.

And, thankfully, blogging inspiration is easier to find than you might think. When you are hard-pressed on blog topic ideas, here are a few questions to ask yourself that will help get you over your writer’s block and back to click-clacking away on your keyboard, producing that sweet, sweet content.

What questions have you answered recently?

FAQs (frequently asked questions) are the foundation for many great, informative and successful blog posts. Take a minute to reflect on some of the questions about your business, industry or product that you’ve had to answer in the last month or so.

Was it a question a customer asked? Maybe it was a question asked by a new employee or coworker looking for clarification. Heck, maybe you just had a really great question you didn’t even know the answer to and had to seek out the answer yourself?

If someone you recently encountered had this question, it is very likely others will too. When they go looking for answers, if you’ve written about the subject, they will find you in the process.

What’s new in the industry?

Sweeping industry changes that impact the way you do business aren’t an anomaly. Whether change positively or negatively impacts you, these changes are usually worth talking about. Maybe you just take the opportunity to explain what the change is for those less knowledgeable on the matter. You can take it a step further and elaborate on the consequences or implications they will carry.

Not only is this valuable information for your current or potential customers, if you are able to get out ahead to write and post a thoughtful take on the matter, you can get the benefit of not just SEO but also establishing yourself as an authority in the minds of peers and customers alike.

This isn’t unfamiliar territory here at Roundpeg, as we frequently discuss significant industry changes like Gutenberg, 280 Character Twitter and the recent changes to the Facebook Algorithm in recent months.

What’s new in the world?

Blogging inspiration can come from even broader topics. Don’t restrict your thinking just to your industry. I’ve often found that interesting developments in pop culture, sports, food, and even politics can spark a great blog post. Mind you, you may not write a blog post directly addressing the topic, but topic can serve as a springboard to a larger, more specific and relevant topic.

Because you often have the task of making the stretch to unite the world event with a relevant topic, these blog posts may often come out being slightly more light-hearted and fun. There’s nothing wrong with that! Not every single blog post on your website needs to be serious. As long as the content is engaging and thoughtful, readers will be able to get value from it.

Failed political campaigns, Applebees and even the XFL have been subjects that sparked Roundpeg blog posts in the past.

What have you written recently?

Many times, you don’t have to look far to find blogging inspiration. Another strong source of blog ideas can come from, well, you. Go back in your blog roll and look at what you’ve written about in the past few months.

Has anything you’ve written about in the past year changed that needs to be addressed? Have there been advancements? Have you had a change of heart or change of perspective that makes you look at the subject differently than you did six months ago? Maybe you didn’t have enough time to address everything you wanted last time and an old blog post could serve to have a “Part 2?”

The answer to these questions could be the subject of an all new blog post.

Blogging inspiration is closer than you might think – so start writing!

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