You've Audited Your Marketing.
Now What?
The maximum score on this assessment is 27 points. How did you do? And more importantly where do you need to improve?
If your score was
Between 22 – 27
Congratulations! Your marketing is pretty complete. You’re ahead of the curve, but don’t get lazy. Good marketing is constantly evolving, so you are never completely finished. You have to be on the look out for what’s new to stay one step ahead.
Between 16 – 21
While you’re doing many things right, it still looks like your marketing could use improvement. Simply pick the one area where you felt you were the weakest and focus your resources on improving one or two elements at a time.
If more than one area needs attention, start at the top of our list and work down the page. Then take the audit again and see how your score has improved.
15 or less.
It looks as if you have a lot of work ahead. Don’t try to do it all at once or you will be overwhelmed and nothing will get done. Start at the top, and work your way through the tools below.
It will take some time, but with a little effort you will start to see real results pretty quickly.
Need help?
Schedule a free consultation with Roundpeg expert to discover how a smart marketing strategy can help you generate more traffic, leads, and sales. This 15-minute phone call include
- A review the results of your audit
- Evaluation of your current marketing efforts, including social media, blogging, and SEO
- Expert advice for next steps in generating more online traffic, leads, and sales.
We’ve collected all our resources in one place so you can find just what you need to help you improve your marketing program. Bookmark our resource page so you can return again and again.