There’s a new face on the Roundpeg team page, but if you have been around the Indiana social media community the face probably looks a little familiar.
Digital strategist, Dana Nelson is joining our team. Based in Evansville, Dana works with companies helping them with social media, email marketing, and digital strategy. Well known in Evansville, she has been in leadership roles in the Social Media Club, Start Up Weekend, 4 H Technology Club, Girl Geek Dinners and LinkedIn to Learn. ( I get exhausted just listing her activities)
And on top of all of that, she is a really awesome person. We’ve known each other for years, collaborating on the first Social Media Dames event, and as the only two “Authorized Local Experts for Constant Contact ( until that program went away.) We share the same warped sense of humor, love of cats and a good bottle of wine, as well as many of the same opinions on social media, marketing, and business strategy. One day as we were kicking around ideas about how she could grow her business and I could grow mine, it dawned on us we could grow together.
And so, this collaboration took shape. Dana still runs her own consulting and training business @DanaMNelson but now, backed by the power of the Roundpeg team she can offer a full suite of services to support her strategies. And we will have a chance to share her expertise in business planning, social media, and technology utilization with our clients.
She won’t be hanging out at the little white house, but she’s going to be a part of the team so get to know Dana. Read her bio and follow her on Twitter @danamnelson
You can also find the official press release here: