Why You Need Employee Profiles On Your Website
Every organization is made up of people. We know that, but some companies seem to be content to hide behind a faceless corporate profile.
While that may be ok for a large corporate entity, small business owners have a unique advantage as customers build relationships with individual employees. Those relationships can be built in person and on line. One way to start that relationship is by introducing your employees with an employee profile or interview.
An employee profile is more than just a bio which lists the vital stats such as where they went to school and what their role in the company is. A good employee profile might include a discussion of hobbies or favorite restaurants around town. It may include a mention of family members and a fun trivia fact that most people wouldn’t necessarily know about your employee. These small details help make individuals seem like real people and not just smiling stock photos on your web page.
This more in-depth introduction to your team is helpful for any company. As you portray your employees as “real, likable people,” potential customers are more likely to feel comfortable picking up the phone to talk to you. If you are in the home service industry these employee profiles are even more vital. As consumers decide who they want to invite into their home the friendly face of someone they can relate to can break the ice and make the entire process more comfortable for everyone.
What Else Can You Include in an Employee Profile
If you have a number of employees these profiles can start to sound very similar, so how can you keep them interesting? Consider using these profiles to answer questions about your product or service. The response will be informative if it comes directly from the person who solves that problem on a daily basis. In industries where you are selling multiple products, have individual people talk about why they enjoy working with one product or another.
And if you are looking to expand your team, include questions about why people come to work for your company, what they do on a daily basis and why they stay. Their endorsements of your company will be more authentic and likely to encourage others to apply as well.
Don’t forget the photo
Always include a photo, or better yet a collage of photos. These images or videos help make the person recognizable and real to the reader.
Looking for a few more ideas? Employee profiles were the topic as I sat down with Sam for an episode of More Than a Few Words. Use the link below to listen now. And if you enjoy the program you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.
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