Well hello there. Meet your newest member of the Roundpeg team. That is I, Luke Magsamen. Jack of all trades and master of none. Champion of binge watching and lover of sports. I have been brought on to this team to help conquer the digital world with my social media expertise and creative ideas.
No idea why I became a Viking warrior in that intro, probably something I picked up on from what I watched this weekend on Netflix. For my first blog, I was hoping to introduce myself and help you get a better grasp of my love for the digital marketing world.
Hoosier Lovin’
I have lived my whole life in Indiana and am a Midwesterner at heart. Being a Hoosier, I enjoy breaded tenderloins that barely fit on my plate, playing basketball at all times of the year (even in the cold of winter), and cheering way too loud for cars driving in a circle for 500 miles. That may even be the subject of my next personal blog, “8 signs That You Are a Hoosier.”. I find much joy from being outside and finding adventures in life. My ideal day would be A.) mountain biking and exploring the wilderness or B.) enjoying a nice cold beer (yes I’m a beer snob) on a summer day with my friends and listening to a live band playing some groovy tunes.
For college, I decided to spend my time at the wonderful institute of Ball State University (chirp, chirp). Like most college students, I spent a lot of time figuring out who I was and what I was going do in life. Those first couple of years I spent dabbling in different subjects, but eventually found an area that I was able to take my passion for video and combine it with my creative skills to earn a degree in Telecommunications.
Although my career doesn’t currently involve video production, I believe that the creative process and technical skills I learned from my video heyday will help me out in the future. Also, with the movement towards Facebook Live and the evolution of Snapchat, video is not disappearing anytime soon and we will only need to embrace it even more if we want to succeed in this ever expanding world of content!
Digitally Connected
An important element I grasped on to from my days in production was using the human element and empathy to really connect with someone. This trait rings through all steps of life. Finding a way to connect with someone can be one the trickiest but most important factors of life but also in marketing!
It’s funny that even though our world is now so connected because of the Internet, we still find a way to be disconnected from one another. It won’t be long before the computers use their plans to take over the world and seek revenge on all of us foolish humans!!! But until then, how do we find a way to connect with an audience? How do we make our brand stick out from the rest? These are very important questions that I love to hear and help solve with my clients.
Help Me Help You
As Martin Luther King once said, “We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.” Marketing is never about just one person. I believe in that cheesy office poster that says, ‘”teamwork makes the dream work.” I am very excited to work with you and see how I can contribute for the Roundpeg team! Don’t be afraid to connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on twitter @lukemagsamen.