ONE email every Monday stuffed with FREE marketing goodies.
Enjoy free webinars, podcasts, worksheets, and more.
Subscribe to the Monday Morning Marketing Resources – It’s Free!
Every week, we go into our library and bundle several of our favorites. It is always a little different. One week it may be a series of worksheets, and the next week a webinar, podcast, and quiz. You can pick and choose to download all the resources or just the ones which answer questions you are wrestling with today.
Check out our most recent resources:
The Best Way to Grow Your Email List
Best way to grow your email list is to offer a free download or resource in exchange for someone’s email.
Introducing Digital Toolbox
Introducing Digital Toolbox: our new marketing community Marketing Moves Fast Twenty years ago, small business marketing was easy. You could create an inexpensive direct mail postcard, put a small listing in the Yellow Pages, or simply pick up the phone and cold call...
Web Audit Kit
How good is your website? Use our Web audit kit to find out. Discover how you can make small changes to dramatically improve your overall website.

Lorraine Ball
Marketing Strategist
Why do we send the Monday Morning Marketing Resources?
When I started Roundpeg in 2002 the world was a very different place. Social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn didn’t exist. Most business owners thought websites were a luxury, not a necessity and our flip phones didn’t have texting capability.
The dramatic changes in the last 15 years have forced us to adjust our marketing strategy to connect with an increasingly tech-savvy consumer who wants to control their own buying process and smarter search engines looking for the best information.
So how do you stay current and still run a business? Well, you could carve out a few hours every week to stay up-to-date on new marketing tools and trends, or you can let us do it.
What’s New in Marketing
We’re always on the lookout for the next new digital marketing trend, tool, and tactic. Our team shares this information in blog posts, podcasts, webinars, white papers, self-assessments, and checklists.
Scroll through more than 4,000 pages of resources on our blog, or simply check out our weekly featured resource.