Why Roundpeg? Compared to other Indianapolis agencies, why do you want to work here?
I stared at that question on the application form for an Email Marketing Specialist position for what seemed like days. How can someone with only a superficial view of the inner workings of a digital marketing agency answer that question? My final answer involved an admiration of the quality of work on Roundpeg’s portfolio, the friendly attitude that emanated from their brand and also the fact that their website didn’t make me want to barf (unlike other agencies I’ve seen).
“Their website” would soon become “our website” as Roundpeg became my professional home. Sadly however, there comes a time when you have to move – and for ol’ Taylor, that time is now. I’ve had a wonderful time with Roundpeg and I’ve learned so much,
I tried to weasel my way out of writing a farewell as I knew it would just make me nostalgic and sniffly, but it wouldn’t be right to up and leave without doing so. What I’ve decided to do is to take some of the most memorable events during my time at Roundpeg and compile them for future Roundpeg historians, all the while giving them accurate scientifically and mathematically calculated dopeness ratings as measured on my patented “Dope-o-meter.”
Becoming a cat pillow
I knew cats were part and parcel of Roundpeg, but little did I know that I would become the de-facto human pillow for two furballs. My relationship with the two office cats has had ups and downs. While once I was Clyde’s main squeeze, she’s become cold and distant. And Benny is a narcissistic dependent, accepting love from anyone for about 35 seconds before moving on.
Average dopeness rating: 5/10
Dominating everybody in the office as Family Feud champ
I hate to brag, but I am the undeniable champ of Roundpeg Family Feud. No matter the subject, from nicknames for skinny people to Lil Bow Wow, I was the king. Here’s me claiming my well-deserved chocolate reward for nailing a question.
Dopeness rating: 8/10
Burning your hand just before your last week at Roundpeg
This sucks. Would not recommend at all. Typing is nearly impossible, the computer mouse has become my sworn enemy, and worst of all I am no longer fit to be a cat pillow.
Dopeness rating: 0/10
Working with some stellar clients
When I started working with Roundpeg, I never expected to be fully immersed in so many different worlds – from beans to basketball, from flooring to financial advice, from health insurance to home remodeling. Along the way I’ve learned more than I could ever care to know about the most specific subjects. Gaining intimate knowledge of these fields was just a small side-effect of getting the opportunity to work with some amazing people and some of the most inspiring businesses in Indiana and around the country. For those clients who may be reading this, you know who you are and I want to thank you for letting me be a part of your growth and success.
Dopeness rating: 10/10
Meeting lifelong mentors and friends
Roundpeg will always have a special place in my heart. Not only because it was the first place I really felt like I was using my own professional skills, but because it was the first job I had that felt like a home. Without a doubt, what I will miss the most about Roundpeg will be the people. From Lorraine, the brains of the operation who saw something worthwhile in me (what that was, I’ll never understand), to Jenna – one of the few humans who has a snarkier attitude than me. Cherilyn and Peter, two fellow music nerds, and Whitney – with an inner fat kid I could only aspire to be. Rebecca, office mom and giver of pep talks, and my content buddy Leisha, who’s helped keep me sane the whole time. They’ve all helped me grow and I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people with whom to spend time in the little white house.
Dopeness rating: 2 billion/10
So without getting misty-eyed or blubbering on much longer, this is where we say our farewells. So have a good morning, Roundpeg and readers – and if I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night.