
Content marketing is a ginormous elephant of a word, covering everything from blogging to social media to email marketing with its wrinkly grey body. Content marketing is hard enough to define, even Hubspot can’t give you a definition without throwing five other ones at you. Even harder than defining it is implementing it into your business strategy. Thankfully, the intrepid writers at Roundpeg have been tirelessly pumping out blogs focused on helping you improve your content strategy for years. Now you could go through the Roundpeg back issues and hunt for them, or you can let us serve you the best of them in one nice, simple package.

Which one would you prefer? That’s what we thought.

Learning the Ropes

These articles will help you lay the groundwork and get started on building and executing a content marketing plan – from learning how to blog to planning your content for the months ahead.

Learn the way of the Content Style Guide

A content style guide is an uber-valuable tool in marketing. Use it to maintain consistency, build a strong brand voice and keep your target audience in your crosshairs as your marketing strategy evolves.

Sharing Responsibilities for Content Marketing

Content marketing is almost always a team effort. Roundpeg divides and conquers when it comes to content marketing, and we’re willing to tell you our secrets. Learn the most effective ways to divvy up tasks with this guide.

How to Write Your First Five Blog Posts

Few things are harder than writing your new website’s first few blog posts. We’ve been helping business owners get started for so long, it’s almost second nature to us at this point. Our resident web developer guides you through the uncharted blog waters, with a little help from Sean Connery.

Tell Me a Story

You may not know it yet, but you’re full of stories, and those stories can be a part of your content strategy that’s completely unique to you and your business. Storytelling is one of the most effective ways of conveying information, and these tips will help you get started incorporating storytelling into your marketing strategy.

Content Calendars for Dummies

So you know how to blog and how it helps you, right? Well it’s not just a one-and-done deal. You need a comprehensive, long-term plan of how to implement your content, and that’s where content calendars come in. Alleviate your dummy-ness with our help.


Content and the Big Picture

While blogging is a central part of content marketing, it isn’t the end of the conversation. Bring in all the pieces of content marketing with these informative articles.

The Long (Tail) and Short of It

As search engine algorithms become more advanced, the closer content and SEO scoot together on the schoolbus of marketing. This blog will help you hone your long tail search phrases, to better capture that audience who already knows what they want.

The Down-low on Downloads

Want to grow an email list, give your web audience value or just wrap up a load of content in one easy package? That’s where downloadable whitepapers and media come into play. Take a look at this guide to see if offering downloadable content is right for your strategy and how to get started on implementing it.

Should You Be Reposting Your Blog?

Your blog lives on your website, sure – but maybe it needs a condo or a summer home to rub elbows with all the nice tourists in Internetland. Know the right and wrong places and situations to repost your blog content for the whole world to see.

If You Build It, They Will Come

Without taking the time to create your content, it won’t exist. But without taking the time to promote that content, it might as well not exist. Learn how to navigate the Internet of tomorrow in your content dirigible.


Scratching Your Niche

These topics won’t be applicable to every business in the content marketing game, but these strategies have proven effective for specific industries we’ve worked with.

Writing a Solid Employee Feature Post

Employee feature blogs help your audience learn a little more about the personal side of your business. They’re especially useful in the home service industry, where customers want to know the person coming into their house.

Food, Glorious Food Blogging

I love food, so writing about it would seem easy, right? Wrong. It’s a fine line to walk trying to describe the “ohmygodthisissogood” feeling of biting into a perfect cheeseburger. Use the strategies in this blog to turn your foodthoughts into mouth-watering sentences.

What to Write When you have Nothing to Write About

Staring at a bright, empty computer screen is something everyone who writes has struggled with. When it comes to creating content, we’ve found a few ways to smash the writer’s block. Find our secrets in this blog.


Working out the Kinks

No matter how well you put together your marketing plan, you may hit a few snags along the way. These resources will help you avoid or cut through those snags and let you go along your merry marketing way.

Headless Body in a Topless Bar

I…what? What does that title mean? I have to know! Maybe it’ll be about how attention-grabbing headlines can give your content the spark it needs to begin engaging your audience. I should click and find out!

What’s the Best Length for a Blog Post?

Does your blog post seem too wordy? Maybe it looks barren and empty? Either way, finding the perfect length for a blog post is an inexact science at best. Our expert blog scientists do have some tips to get you near that perfect blog length.

5 Ways to Combat Reader Distraction

You’re getting clicks to your blog, but people aren’t taking action after reading them. They may be getting distracted partway through and alt-tabbing out of your life. Fight the urge to click away with this collection of tips.


The No-No’s of Content Marketing


Common Content Marketing Mistakes

We asked the foremost Indianapolis-area marketing masters what the biggest mistakes they’ve seen made in content marketing. Learn their answers and get to know who’s who in the Indy scene here.

“You Sound Generic. Stop It.”

You don’t want to sound boring, do you? Neither would we. Learn the keys to unique-ifying your content and quit putting your readers to sleep.

Thanks for Not Sharing

Have you ever meet someone new at a party and they immediately tell you about their ex, their bankruptcy and that big weird mole on their back? Imagine that but in website form. Sounds awful, right? Learn how not to be that oversharing website with this blog.

Ban Boring Blog Posts

In addition to being deliciously alliterative, this article has helpful strategies for how to get rid of boring blog posts once and for all, culling any source of boredom before, during and after you write your blog.


Woof, that’s a lot of content about content, right?

Well we’re just getting warmed up, my friend. If this calculable collection of cached content can’t calm your curiosity, call upon the captive collective at Roundpeg to catch your case. Start with our free beginner’s guide for blogging and get to putting fuel in the tank of your content marketing engine.




Roundpeg is an Indianapolis content marketing firm.