
If you are a regular visitor to our little online home, you may have noticed we did a bit of redecorating this week. Unlike some of our previous redesigns which took our website down to the foundation, this one was more like knocking out a few walls and moving most of the furniture around.

What Stayed the Same?

Colors and Font

We are still teal blue, with just a hint of the orange which arrived in 2014. The font throughout the site is Proxima Nova. This very clean simple font looks equally good in print and online. You can expect to see it popping up in lots of other Roundpeg designs.

Still using WordPress and Divi Theme

We have used WordPress as the foundation of our website for eight years. We love how easy it has been to grow and change the site as Roundpeg has grown and changed. We expect WordPress will continue as our foundation for many years to come. In 2015, we adopted Divi from Elegant Themes as our framework. Divi gives us tremendous freedom to easily create custom layouts on every page, letting us find the very best design for each piece of content.

History Collage

Everything Old is New Again

Take a close look at the new home page and you will see familiar elements. Borrowing from 2012, we have clear calls to each of our service categories. This required a major face lift of those long neglected pages, and a good bit or rewriting to get them ready for visitors again.

Our blog roll is also making a reappearance with one noticeable difference. Instead of simply sharing the most recent posts which you can easily find by going to the blog page, we have curated the best of our blog, picking several favorites to feature.

That idea of curating our very best content flows through much of the new site. After 14 years, we have lots of projects we are proud of, but taking a more minimalist approach led us to select just one project to fill the portfolio slot on the home page, instead of the multiple projects we featured in the past.

My challenge to Cherilyn as she worked on this section was to make the graphic more compelling than just a flat screen grab. In one image she was able to show off the range of work we did on this project.


What’s Really New

Creative grids on the portfolio and team pages

While the paint is fresh on the home page, it is the inside pages which really showcase what we can do using the Divi Framework. Our new portfolio and Meet the Team pages are two of the best examples. In both cases, we wanted something other than the typical row of three or four images.

Rather than forcing every image to be exactly the same size, we created interesting collages based on the best size and shape for each piece of content. The result is bold pages with compelling images which make you want to read more.

All our resources in one place

Seminars, webinars, white papers, check lists and WordPress tips. Over the years, we have created lots of tools which allow business owners to take control of their marketing. Now we’ve collected them all in one place. No more searching the blog, hoping to find the answers you need. Just hop over to our resource page. You will find links to everything you might need to know.

Explore the site, and tell us what you think

Instead of telling you everything that we’ve changed, I would love to show you. Start at our new home page, explore the site at your leisure, and then come back and tell us what you think.

And if you would like to try a remodel of your site, we would love to talk to you about that too!


Roundpeg is an Indianapolis web design firm.