There are a lot of websites that leave something to be desired. (See some prime examples here.) A dated feature is easy to pick out, as well as clumped together illegible text.
But what does it look like to do it right?
Roundpeg had the chance to work with Noblesville Orthodontics. Go ahead, let your eyes drink in the refreshing look for a moment, and then read why this works.
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White Space
I know, we harp on white space to no end, but it really makes a difference. It’s so tempting to put every single detail about your business on your site – that’s its job, right? Actually, your website is there to give a potential customer just enough information to drive them to action. Using enough white space is not only visually appealing but forces you to be concise. Which is an advantage to you in an age of decreasing attention spans.
Color Scheme
Another key aspect to this cohesive site is the choice of a single representative color. Orange conveys a lively feel, especially for their younger patients. Using orange on the most important elements on every page signifies their relevance as well as subtly conveying the user is still on the Noblesville Orthodontic site.
Professional Photography
The tone of this site is set by the photographs. If stock photography of random patients and scary tools been used, the opportunity to acquaint you with the office staff would have been missed. Instead, you are greeted by Dr. Tasha Hall’s inviting smile. Her staff are also pictured, as is the office building. As a geographically challenged individual I always find a picture handy when I’m trying to find somewhere new.
Main Page Scrolling
As gorgeous as this site may be, users will only browse for a few moments to find the information they need and move on. Understanding their visitors are likely to scroll allows them to build a longer than normal home page. The most important information has a place on the home page or is easily accessible with just one click.
Ultimately, the purpose of your website is to generate business. The best way to achieve that goal is to create a clean site that clearly states why you are good at what you do, how someone can hire you and what it will be like to work with you. After introducing the practice, the site uses links to pages entitled “Meet Dr. Hall”, “What to Expect” and “New Patient Forms” to help visitors understand what it will be like to be a patient.
Ready to redesign your website? Start here: