Yes, it’s happening. My time at Roundpeg is coming to an end (insert sad face x 1,000,000). I’ve had such a wonderful time playing sticky hands with Clyde, learning the proper way to use the word chunk and of course having the opportunity to meet all the clients. So now for your reading pleasure I will unlock all the secrets of the Roundpeg office . . . JK. But I will give you my reflection on being at the ‘Peg for the past five months.
Cats make great co-workers
Cats really do make superb co-workers. They make you jealous on Monday when they sleep all day and you have to work. They want to play every second and demand attention. Most importantly, they remind you to take a break. It’s so incredibly easy to get caught up in a project, get frustrated over a blog post which doesn’t sound right or the technology you rely on not functioning properly. The Roundpeg cats remind you to take a break and return to work feeling more at ease.
(Yes, Clyde did threaten me if I didn’t talk about her in this post.)
People do read blogs
It’s ironic as I’m writing this blog, but when I came to Roundpeg I didn’t believe people read blogs. We never talked about blogging in my marketing classes and my friends don’t go around talking about the great SEO blog they just read. Roundpeg introduced me to the blog world. The endless varieties of amazing topics and sites you can visit to learn about anything. I started to really enjoy reading articles from websites like Ad Week and Fast Company. Plus, promoting blogs on Twitter is successful. Twitter is now my go to for news and I have continued to follow more accounts in the ever changing digital marketing world.
Strategy meetings work
One thing I loved about Roundpeg was participating in the weekly strategy meeting. Each and every week we presented a different topic to help improve the company. Even as an intern, I knew exactly what was happening and could chime in with any questions or ideas. It was glorious, because everything we talked about was so relevant to Roundpeg and business in general. Hearing Lorraine and the whole team share best delegation techniques or best blog approaches was incredibly eye opening.
Every company should have ‘Cheese Day’
Need I say more? Cheese makes the world go round.
Never stop learning
Every time a new relevant feature appeared on WordPress or Twitter changed a setting, the whole team would take a chance to learn more. Everyone wanted to learn as much as possible and stay up to date on all marketing practices for their own benefit, but also the benefit of our clients. If a new plug-in became available, Roundpeg brainstormed which client’s websites needed the extra features. These ideas where then presented to each client at their monthly check in calls.
No one accepts the current practice at Roundpeg and always wants to improve, update and change. This futuristic vision creates a fast-paced environment which yearns for the cutting edge. I could never thank my co-workers enough for teaching me this lesson early on in my career. I may have been told these things in school, but it’s hard to visualize change when the same textbook or idea has been used year after year. Now, I have seen it in practice and desire a work environment which challenges me to never stop learning.
Thank you to everyone at Roundpeg. It has been an amazing five months as the Roundpeg Marketing Intern. I am and will always be proud to have had the opportunity to work at the ‘Peg.