It is not enough to have a broad plan for your business. You need to have specific, measurable goals which you can translate into action. Setting goals and sticking to them keeps you and your team accountable for the growth of your business.

In this episode, we  discuss what it takes to go through your current business plan, identify and set achievable goals linked directly to the bottom line, and how to track these goals using key performance indicators. You’ll learn how to turn these goals into an actionable plan you can implement today.


  • Realistic goals are important because they keep your team accountable and focused.
  • Goals help you set actionable tasks within your plan and add clarity to your work.
  • Adding incentives and rewarding goals met is a powerful catalyst for achieving and exceeding your milestones.

And to keep the learning going, Download our worksheet and start your strategic planning process today.

Just remember, success tomorrow starts with a plan today!

Creating a strategic plan doesn’t have to be long and complex.  Just download our simple two-page planning document to keep you on track.

Using this document You’ll Learn to:

  • Record your current state: You can’t figure out where you are going ’til you know where you are.
  • Set specific objectives and measures: Create KPIs which help you determine how much progress you are making. Be sure you have a way to actually measure your progress
  • Outline specific actions: These should be directly tied to your objective. Use this worksheet to separate busywork from productive actions.
  • Set timelines and responsibilities: Divide up the work, assign responsibilities and then chart your progress.

Are you ready to get started?

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