It’s been a crazy couple of weeks at Roundpeg and major changes have been happening at the little white house. Allison stretched her wings and flew the coup and shortly after her departure, Jarred was initiated into our work family. In all honesty, it’s been emotionally exhausting.

I had a supervisor, was without a supervisor, and now have a new supervisor. Is your head spinning yet, because mine is. So how does an employee adjust to all the changes without losing his or her mind? Let me explain.

It’s all about your ‘tude – I know sometimes it’s difficult, but you have to have a positive attitude about the whole situation. If you are constantly dwelling on the past and the loss of your previous boss, you are destined for failure. Not only will you bring a negative vibe to your work environment, but you will also make your new coworker feel uncomfortable. Nobody wins in that situation.

Keep comparisons to a minimum – We knew we would never be able to replace Allison with Allison 2.0. We also knew we couldn’t compare every job candidate to Allison because no one else will ever be Allison except Allison. Get it? Everyone is different. Your new boss will do things differently than your old boss. That’s ok.

Everyone has a method to their madness. Respect the fact your new boss was hired because he or she is qualified for the job. Just because they do things a bit differently doesn’t mean they don’t know what they are doing. Let your new boss create their own style at the workplace.

Help out and be flexible – Your new supervisor is going to need help understanding everyone’s daily routine or getting used to office flow. Be there to help them out. They aren’t going to know the lay of the land if no one explains it to them. It will take some time for them to adjust to their new work environment. This is a big change for everyone. Make the transition as smooth as possible by making yourself available to answer any questions your new coworker has.

Pay attention and communicate – These seem like a no-brainer, right? You still need to be perceptive and pay attention to how your new boss works. Do they need to know what’s happening with every client at all times everyday or do they prefer weekly updates? Understanding their work style eliminates some of the guess work. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and be open to communication. You can’t expect them to read your mind and you certainly can’t read theirs.

Change isn’t a one-way street. While you’re getting used to your new supervisor, he or she is also working to get used to you, their new job, and their new boss. There will be ups and downs and plenty of growing pains, but nothing lasts forever. Be understanding of your new boss’s situation. You were in their shoes at one time, too.

Focus on building a strong working relationship with your new boss and the rest is gravy.